2011年3月31日 星期四

2500 & 300 - Revisiting Prophetic Insight 2008-08-06

When I heard that more than 300 people attended the first prayer meeting at main chapel, I immediately thought of this email, as it mentioned a goal of 300-strong prayer meeting and 2500-strong congregation. In 2.5 years it's now reality! PTL!

"...have we reached 300 people in prayer meeting, this land will be SHAKEN! and 5000 people is no longer a remote but very distinct and achievable goal."

Prophetic Insight 2008-08-06

On Aug 6, it was another wonderful night of prayer meeting. Much revelation was given. The anointing started to wane when we got home, but it was hard to sleep for a while.

1) when Ps Tong led us to pray for Olympic, I saw Chinese character "箭"(arrow) and then a "hidden" quiver (箭袋). I saw in the spirit this "hidden" quiver is ROLCC and it's time to release the arrows to spiritually impact China. Later I saw into the quiver and there were three shining white mental arrow heads on top, others still hidden. These three represent Teaching, Healing, and Prophetic.

The confirmation came when later Ps Tong shared Isa 49. The first few verses matched the vision:

Isa 49:1 眾海島啊,當聽我言!遠方的眾民哪,留心而聽!自我出胎,耶和華就選召我;自出母腹,他就提我的名。
Isa 49:2 他使我的口如快刀,將我藏在他手蔭之下;又使我成為磨亮的箭,將我藏在他箭袋之中;
Isa 49:3 對我說:你是我的僕人以色列;我必因你得榮耀。

If we are faithful, more arrows will be revealed later.

2) when we prayed for the revival of the land, I saw large Fire lit up on the platform, but the Spirit said we at a stage of being warmed up by the fire, our heart still not yet fully warm to the revival. We need to BE in the middle of this fire, not standing by.

Translation: many of us are only only attracted by revival at "surface" value, deep down in our heart we don't have yet the resonating "cry-out" for revival. Why? other things occupy our heart. This is why Psalm 11:3 was given to be shared when I first woke up in the morning:

Psa 11:1 (大衛的詩,交與伶長。)我是投靠耶和華;你們怎麼對我說:你當像鳥飛往你的山去。
Psa 11:2 看哪,惡人彎弓,把箭搭在弦上,要在暗中射那心裡正直的人。
Psa 11:3 根基若毀壞,義人還能做什麼呢?
Psa 11:4 耶和華在他的聖殿裡;耶和華的寶座在天上;他的慧眼察看世人。
Psa 11:5 耶和華試驗義人;惟有惡人和喜愛強暴的人,他心裡恨惡。
Psa 11:6 他要向惡人密布網羅;有烈火、硫磺、熱風,作他們杯中的分。
Psa 11:7 因為耶和華是公義的,他喜愛公義;正直人必得見他的面。

I feel this is a continuation of past visions of taking up the Cross. We need to get our heart right as first step and keep our phase. It's no coincidence that past revivals usually came during or after difficult times.

Our thoughts("heart") matter very much in spiritual realm. One important aspect of healing the Land is to have righteous people think the right thoughts (including prayer and intercession, but much more, we need every saint professes, walks in the faith of Jesus Christ!) thus impacting the spiritual atmosphere. This is especially very important when we prayer walk. Righteous heart will take our prayer walk to next level.

Also this is actually the strategy God is showing His people how to persevere at lean times. We can lose other but our faith, "heart". Simple yet profound truth.

3) The HS responded to our prayer, as shared in the meeting, "Tell my people, when you boldly go forth in My strength and on My mission, the seemingly-delayed Revival will catch up with you!"

In other words: as long as we are faithful w/ our mission and what's been given, our turn of revival will manifest. We don't need to chase Revival and let our Revival catch up with us! It's good to see revivals breaking out elsewhere, a good thing in itself and a telling indication that spiritual wind has started to blown, but we need to be mindful that somewhere, somebody (ultimately Jesus) has paid the price to lay the foundation. It would be good for us to lay this foundation for our children right here, right now.

There is no short-cut spiritually. Precisely because the Wind has blown, we must realize we cannot afford to "miss the bus". We are given a grace period to lay this foundation, but if we miss it, it will take much longer to get back into swing. Let us be diligent and careful following the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Based on past visions, if the anointing/timing of revival is 100%, I believe we are now about 30-40% level. (I saw in visions when the Water reach the prayer room ceiling during prayer, revival will break out. We are now passing shoulder height)

This would explain many things:

a) at this level of anointing we have good worship, common-type healing, and spirit of prophecy start to flow, people in the Land start to be drawn spiritually

b) Making to 2500 people strong is actually a very good measure of our anointing, since quality does lead to quantity (not the only measure, of course) Therefore our Wed prayer meeting is becoming even more important as the congregation build up the Faith and receive the anointing.

Pslam Liu shared the HS given Judge 7:3 two weeks ago (I was given the same chapter the same week)

Jdg 7:6 於是用手捧著舔水的有三百人,其餘的都跪下喝水。

This is the confirmation, have we reached 300 people in prayer meeting, this land will be SHAKEN! and 5000 people is no longer a remote but very distinct and achievable goal.

c) when we pass 50% threshold, I think 2500 strong will be easily achieved.

4) when we prayed for the coming Sat meeting w/ architects, I saw a vision first I saw a kid (<10 yrs old) park his bike by the right side of ROLCC's front door, coming from parking lot. Then an eldly sister (70ish) slowing walked in from the same direction with a walking stick then a mid-aged man with a butch of fresh Boh-Chai (白菜)on this rigth hand and walked in. It's my understanding that this three people, representing three main groups we need to cater for:

 a) a godly atmosphere for young children: they will lay down their "bikes" and come to worship God! This shall not be only a place to play as the kid left his bike outside.
 b) elderly people need a place to rest in faith, even healing!
 c) middle-aged people need to have a place to "cook" and enjoy the fruit of their labor

  •  "cook" - we need to teach them how to "enjoy/handle" what's been given by God so that they can live a good life under the Sun 
  •  "fresh" - in-time, seasonal teaching and advice, this would be their spiritual home 

 5) lastly, Robert shhred Dan 6:27 Dan 6:27 他護庇人,搭救人,在天上地下施行神蹟奇事,救了但以理脫離獅子的口。」

 I think it matched wonderfully w/ Psalm 11:3. Let us not loose heart in the face of moutning difficulties, but remembered what Ps Tong shared,
 Psa 18:29 我藉著你衝入敵軍,藉著我的神跳過牆垣。

 It's wonderful when one's in the Anointing!

